About Twin Lakes Beach Club
The Twin Lakes Beach Club embraces a volunteer spirit which encourages fun and friendship for the whole family.
A chairperson heads each area of club activity and is assisted by fellow members. These areas include: Children’s Activities, Communications, Grounds, House, Membership, Snack Bar, Social, Tennis
and Waterfront.
Two workdays are held each season: On the Spring Workday, families get the club out of winter mothballs. On the Fall Workday, the club is put to bed for the winter.
The club’s social events appeal to a wide spectrum of interests. They run the gamut from mmber-catered cocktail parties to one hit wonder karaoke nights to the legendary Tennis Ball.
Volunteeting to host social events is strongly encouraged, especially for newer members as a way to meet others and get to know the club better. Events can only take place if hosts sign up to run them.
Members are not expected to be involved in every activity. One “takes” as much from the club as desired, and gives back whatever they feel is appropriate.