Club Policies and Regulations

Founded in 1947, The Twin Lakes Beach Club is a community of people of all ages. The club is a relatively small area, so cooperation in observing the following rules is appreciated by all members. The club is run by volunteer Members and everyone is encouraged to participate. Your help is essential in maintaining the grounds and the clubhouse.

Swimming is restricted to the area bounded by the TLBC’s two stationary docks and one floating dock.  Trained lifeguards hired by the club supervise the waterfront. Please be attentive of their instructions. TLBC lifeguards are authorized to tell any person to leave the water.

Lifeguards are responsible for swimmers’ safety within the designated swimming area as defined above. Swimmers who leave that designated area do so at their own risk.

Running is not permitted on the docks. NO DIVING IS PERMITTED FROM ANY OF THE DOCKS, be they stationary or floating.

Lifeguards are not responsible for non-swimming children at the waterfront or in the swing set area. Parents must supervise their swimming and non-swimming children at all times.

Access to the TLBC floating dock is only permitted via the ladder intended for that purpose. Access to the floating dock is not permitted by any boat, canoe, kayak, paddleboard, paddle boat or any other watercraft.

Diving off the stationary and floating docks is strictly prohibited.

Member-Owned Powerboats

Motorboat owners who keep their boats at the club do so at their own risk. The club takes no responsibility for the security of members’ boats. Boats must be docked only in the spots assigned specifically to each member. Boaters are expected to abide by all applicable state and local boating regulations and are encouraged to be vigilant about changing weather conditions on the lake.

  • At all times, per state requirements, regardless of boat type, there must be an approved lifejacket for every person in the boat.
  • No one is to use a boat without the owner’s permission.
  • Boat owners must exercise extreme caution when operating their boats around the TLBC docks.
  • Per State law, only licensed drivers are allowed to operate boats on the lake and follow these rules:
    • a. No wake zone within 100 feet of the TLBC zone.
    • b. Licensed boat operators under age 16 operating large power boats must be accompanied by an adult when entering or exiting the TLBC dock area.

In the event a member is found to violate these rules, the board will have discretion to terminate the member’s boat slip lease and retain the member’s annual lease fee.

Club-Owned Boats and Small Watercraft Rules

It’s important for all to recognize the safety concerns and state law specific to operating small, less visible watercraft on a public lake.

  • Club owned kayaks, paddle boards and rowboat are marked with a TLBC sticker.
  • Watercraft and paddleboard usage by Members and their guests is at their own risk.
  • State law requires all Members and their guests to wear an approved life vest when using watercraft or paddleboards.
  • Children under 12 may not use a watercraft or a paddleboard without an adult.
  • Launch and return of watercraft and paddleboards is forbidden within the designated swimming area.
  • Following use, all watercraft and paddleboards must be replaced on their designated racks; paddles and life vests must be replaced in the bins.
  • Club-owned boats may not be used starting at dusk.

All children must be supervised at all times. Any child under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a Member adult or baby sitter responsible for that child.

Members must clean up after themselves, their children and their guests. Please wipe off tables after you have used them. Fold down umbrellas, lean in chairs and pick up any debris when you leave. Dispose of trash in the containers around the clubhouse. The dumpster in the parking lot is for club trash only. Please use the recycling bins for empty cans and bottles.

The clubhouse is to be used for quiet activities. If a child plays indoors, it is incumbent on theier parent(s) or caregiver(s) to make sure that any clubhouse materials (e.g,, games, books, etc.) are returned to where they belong, and that any leftover food or service items are placed in trash and recycling receptacles.

No matter how well mannered and kind, pets are not allowed at the club at anytime.

The club does not sell alcoholic beverages. The Club is not responsible for members’ alcoholic beverage consumption. No underage person is to consume alcohol on club premises at any time, and parents or designated caregivers will be held fully responsible for any such actions and their consequences.

The icemaker in the closet behind the bar is not to be used as a cooler or a refrigerator.

The icemaker is not to be used to fill large portable coolers.

All tennis players are required to wear appropriate tennis attire. Tennis shoes with non-marking soles must be worn on the court at all times. Bare feet and hard-soled shoes are not allowed.

Tennis courts must be reserved using the club’s online Court Reserve app. Please see the TLBC website for more information, and for any assistance using the app, please contact Only adults may sign up for court time.

Members who have reserved a court have a 10-minute grace period before forfeiting their reservation to someone at the club wishing to play tennis. At times when courts are typically in high demand, members are encouraged to play doubles, and should limit their court time to one hour per day.

It is the responsibility members building a bonfire on the beach to assure that the fire is fully extinguished at the end of the evening.  The lid must be place on the fire bowl. A large bucket for water should be next to an open fire at all times for safety purposes.

All non-members are considered guests, and at least one member must always accompany their guests on club grounds.

Members must sign in their guests at the snack bar (or in the guest book if the snack bar is closed) for all activities, including lunch, pizza nights and any use of the tennis courts, waterfront or grounds. Guests must be signed in every day they visit the club.

There are two exceptions to this policy: one for paid social events and the other for members who bring guests solely for boating excursions.

Guests are limited to three visits per season with the exception of family members, who are are limited to five visits. This rule applies to guest participation in tennis clinics as well.

Children of members who are 30 years old or older must take out their own membership if they use the Club more than five times per season. For five or fewer visits in a season, they are expected to pay the guest fee.

For instances where members have out-of-town family visiting for an extended period of time, please contact membership.

PLEASE NO BUSINESS USE THAT REQUIRES EXTENDED DISCUSSIONS (E.G. ZOOMS…). The club is not a venue for Members’ use of mobile or laptop devices for business purposes or social media. In addition, SOFTEN the club is not a venue for Members’ children’s use of mobile or laptop devices for games or social media.

The use of cellular mobile phones is prohibited on the grounds, on the clubhouse porch and inside the clubhouse. Members may use mobile phones in the parking area and the adjacent upper lawn area.

Access WiFi by going to Settings, choosing WiFi and clicking on STARLINK. There is no password needed. Note: This system is unsecured.

Service provided is for texting, e-mail, web browsing and other low data activities so as to preserve bandwidth and speed. No video streaming or downloading is permitted.

WiFi calling, FaceTime audio calls and other Internet voice calling is available. (Please see usage guidelines above)

Members are required to keep their phone ringers in silent/vibration mode when at the Club.

The TLBC Snack Bar will be open daily from June 5 – September 2, from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. A full menu of sandwiches, salads, grilled items and more will be offered Tuesday- Sunday, and Monday will feature a streamlined “grab and go” menu.

Severe weather and other unforeseen circumstances may occasionally preclude the snack bar’s operation. In such an event, members will be notified via the website and e-mail.

Members’ snack bar accouts are charged with each purchase made. If and when snack bar minimums are been met, invoices will be issued periodically from that point forward.

Cash, credit cards and debit cards are not accepted at the snack bar.

Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes is banned on all club property.

The club runs on a fully volunteer basis by members, and all members are expected to participate in its upkeep to the fullest extent possible. Members’ help is necessary for maintaining club grounds and the clubhouse. Member assistance with social events and other activities is very strongly encouraged.

Workdays are scheduled for the opening and closing of the Club season. Each is held on a Saturday morning during the spring and fall for approximately 2 hours. A fee will be assessed to members who do not attend, with an exception for Members with physical limitations, current board members and members over age 70. However, they are still encouraged to participate where possible.

Prospective Members will not be considered to have effective membership until they have paid all applicable fees. Current Members may be suspended if they fail to pay applicable fees before the start of the season. Payment of bills is due within 30 days of invoice. Failure to pay bills may be considered as grounds for suspension.

Non-observance of club rules, disorderly conduct by any member and any other situations requiring attention should be reported to the club president.

A member in good standing may be granted Leave of Absence status for a two-year period, subject to board review.

Each member on leave is responsible for an annual Leave of Absence fee plus an annual capital fee. If these fees are not paid, membership will be terminated; to reinstate membership, the initiation fee will apply.

Members who resign from the club are subject to all guest policies, including those governing participation in tennis clinics.

This policy and associated fees are subject to review and amendment by the board of directors.