Family Pizza Night & Dessert Pot luck
Our last Pizza Night of the Summer will be a special Saturday Edition. Please sign up for pizza and bring a dessert to share:
- Record your family name on the signup genius and how many slices you want ordered by Saturday at noon
- Slices are $2.50 each and the golden rule is don’t take more pizza than you sign up for
- Bring cash to pay the host for your pizza (if there is extra pizza, you can purchase additional slices from your host after everyone has checked in)
- Pizza night starts at 5PM
- Enjoy the last Saturday of the summer and don’t forget your bug spray!
Please sign up your family and you will be prompted to enter the total number of people eating Pizza. Please bring a dessert to share. Please bring your own drinks and sides. Money will be collected by the hosts, the Richman Family. Please email Abbey Nova and Jill Pace (abbeynova@gmail.com and jill.e.pace@gmail.com) with questions.
Sign Up Genius Link: